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Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory

  This framework is used to understand the difference in cultures across countries and to discern the ways that business is done across different cultures. It helps to distinguish among different national cultures, the dimensions of cultures and the impact on business.     Hofstede has defined six categories that define culture: 1. Power Distance Index 2. Collectivism vs Individualism 3. Uncertainty Avoidance Index 4. Femininity vs Masculinity 5. Short – term orientation vs Long - term Orientation 6. Restraint vs Indulgence     1. Power Distance : - The degree people are comfortable with influencing upwards. Accept inequality in distribution of power. High power distance index indicates about the culture which power difference and accepts inequality, it shows high respect for authority and rank, also encourages bureaucracy. Low power distance index reflects about the culture which encouraged flat and decentralized organizational stru...

Jacinda Ardern: A lot to learn from her

We all need bold, compassionate and dynamic leader like Jacinda Ardern: 40th Prime Minister of New Zealand, the 3rd woman to hold that title and the youngest female Prime Minister. She captured so many headlines this year because the way she is handling covid-19 crises which made her more popular both in and outside of the country. Since May 23, 2020 no new case had been reported and no patient is in hospital due to covid-19, as of Jun 1, 2020. New Zealand has among the lowest cases per capita in the world.

With the population closed to 48.2 lac and healthcare system she has amazed everyone during the pandemic. On 23 March, 2020 Ardern announced a nationwide strict lockdown, which was one of the strictest lockdowns, when just over 100 cases of the coronavirus had been tested positive and no one had died from it, the decision was very quick and stringent which included closing all non-essential workplaces, offices, bars, restaurants, online delivery system along with educational institutions, with severe restriction on social gathering and traveling. And now all the rules are progressively being eased. New Zealanders have also contributed the this success by following all the rules. According to one poll citizens of this country have high level of trust in their government, one of the important factor to be considered.

She is an amazing communicator and empathetic leader, with an always smiling face she is constantly inspiring the population of New Zealand. Many countries-imposed lockdowns but couldn’t succeeded as New Zealand did because of quick and appropriate decision making. She has changed the view of parenting by becoming the first head of a government to give birth in office, the way she is managing all the responsibility towards the nation and her child is significant. She was applauded by many national and international leaders because of her extraordinary response towards Christchurch act.

She takes part in every rituals, if possible. Recently she visited “ Rhadha Krishna “ temple in Auckland. Her personality reflects that she really connected to her citizens. She has gained prominence at the initial stage of her rein and now because of her actions, she is ruling the citizen of New Zealand.

During midday prayer after an attack on March 15 in Christchurch on Mosque and in suburban Linwood resulted in the massive loss of lives and injuries. According to his full of hatred manifesto, the alleged assailant had come to New Zealand specifically to undertake the attacks to show that even a place as distant like New Zealand suffered from “mass immigration.”

In addressing the country, New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, recently announced that in 2020 New Zealand will be increasing the number of immigrants annually it accepted from 1,000 to 1,500. Ardern called the assault a “terrorist attack.”

There is a lot to learn from Ardern, she is a great leader, last year she was managing leadership with pregnancy and motherhood, this year her response toward the pandemic made her a charismatic leader.



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